Every single woman has been in a situation when they are too lazy to respond to texts and end up replying some nonsense. The worst part about texting is that a lot can be misinterpreted.  What you actually mean and what the other person perceives may be two different things.  There is a guy who has been texting you constantly and is obviously interested in you. You have tried every possible way to bail out, but the dude doesn't seem to get the hint. Honestly, texting should be the last form of communication.   But since every one still does it and it is easy, here are some random texts that women have send out to men. If you have been receiving such texts from a girl, then it is time you know what it actually means. ALSO READ Lemming, FBO, Haunting:You won't believe what these 13 dating terms mean! Also Read - How To Manage Arthritis Pain In Monsoon Season? 6 Effective Ways

1. Hahaha

The term haha usually means that she no longer wants to chat any further than she already has. She wants to end the conversation right there because she is bored and has better things to deal with.  These happen is some cases, while in others the girl means the Hahaha. You need to gauge the difference as per your udnerstanding about the girl.(ALSO READ How to tell your crush you like him: 7 ways to let him know about your feelings!). Also Read - Facing Hair Gaps? 5 Foods That You Should Consume To Get Those Healthy Locks

2. Lol

Lol is similar to hahah but in a stronger way. It means she hates your sense of humor. She doesn't want to say it directly and she doesn't know any other way to express her emotions, so she prefers LOL-sweet, short and simple.(ALSO READ Top 10 things you will learn in the first year of your married life!). Also Read - Viral Video: Women From Millionaire Family Fall Into Drain While Fighting in Rajasthan's Ajmer. Watch

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3. Wow

When a girl sends you a Wow it doesn't mean she thinks it is wonderful. She just means to say that she is shocked and has no idea what to say really.ALSO READ These are the 7 things you should never tolerate from men in 2017!

4. Smiling emoticon- 🙂

This one means she might be interested in you but she is too busy right not to be chatting with you. This is another way of ending a conversation because for the time being though.(ALSO READ Why long distance relationships work? 8 reasons why distance is harmless in love!)

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5. What are you doing later?

If you get a text that says this from a girl, then let us tell you are one lucky chap.  It means she wants to hang out with you and really wants you to say that you are free to hang out.(ALSO READ How to have a long term relationship: 6 rules for a happy ending! )

6. Hmmm

This one is a conversation killer.  Hmm doesn't mean let's see. It just means a big no. She doesn't want to meet you neither hang out with or even talk to you. Hmm is just her gentle ways of saying that you should probably not put in too much efforts for her.(ALSO READ Signs people are jealous of your relationship: Watch out for these 7 signs!)

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7. Yeah

If a woman sends this, get the hint that she s annoyed AF but is too drained to be arguing or fighting with you. Yeah means okay, whatever you say, I don't agree though. If you just wrote her a big paragraph of how your day was and she replied yeah, you know what that means now.(ALSO READ Signs of a jealous and possessive girlfriend: 10 red flags you simply cannot ignore!)

The best time your girl or any girl you have interest in send these kind of messages to you, we will advise that you take the hint and move in with dignity.